A esterilla eKO SuperLite proporciona unha gran suxeición en calquera superficie. Pódese dobrar como unha toalla polo que cabe facilmente na bolsa de viaxe ou na maleta. Cando nos queiramos desprender dela non deixará pegada nas entulleiras polo que é perfecta para as persoas que teñen un compromiso co noso planeta.
1 kg; 180 cm x 61 cm; 1.5 mm
Pasarela de pago segura
Envío en 48 horas á península
Devolución ata 14 días despóis da compra
900 g (Each mat is unique and there may be slight variations in weight).
Exceptional to travel, can be folded like a towel.
The texture of the surface offers great support, hands and feet do not slip even with sweat.
The thick fabric is very resistant to stretching, does not tear and does not absorb bacteria.
The double-layer technology is an optimal combination that allows for clamping, durability and sliding resistance. The heating process makes toxic tails unnecessary.
The upper layer of rubber has an "orange peel" texture, prevents moisture from seeping into the mat and prevents bacterial growth. The lower layer, made of biodegradable cotton and recycled silk threads, is very resistant to stretching.
Made with natural rubber that does not come from the Amazon.
It does not contain PVC, toxic plasticizers or harmful colorants.
Cleaning: It is recommended to use a Manduka Mat Restore cleaner or a damp cloth with a few drops of vinegar. Do not use excess water or soap.